Albertelli T-Shirt Kit
By popular demand you can now have an Albertelli T-shirt kit.
The kit includes everything you need to create your own
Allbertelli T-Shirt. Plus since it is shipped in kit form we
pass the savings on to you.
What everyone is saying about the Albertelli T-Shirt Kit
"The Albertelli t-shirt kit is far superior to any other t-shirt
kit." - Felicia Berryman
"I want one." - Cande Storgoff
"I'd love to recieve one as a gift." - MSU CAPA Coordinator
What Is Included
1. A plain grey or white t-shirt of a high quality brand.
2. An indelible black cloth marker.
3. Correct spelling of the name Albertelli.
4. It comes polybagged and ready for assembly.
All of this is only
Send Check, Cash, or Money Order:
Guy Albertelli
1890 Independence
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Or use PayPal To :
Please specify T-shirt kit #xyzzy
Due to extreme cost saving measures such that this can be made
available at this _extremely_ low price, returns, or exchanges
shall not be accepted, and shirt color cannot be
specified. Batteries are not included.